Building Shops Inside the Loop of a Coaster

Here we see the loops for a pair of steel "shuttle loop" racing coasters. We're going to build a row of shops inside the loops:before.jpg (13981 bytes)
The next step is to delete the loops and build a wall along either side of the loops.wall_1.jpg (15725 bytes)wall_2.jpg (14864 bytes)
Note the height of the wall relative to the elevation of the base of the loop. This is the minimum elevation for a standard coaster. Inverted or Suspended coasters require three levels of clearance above their track instead of two, so for those coaster types you'd have to build the wall one level higher than shown here.

Next, it's time to build shops on top of the walls. Note that the shop entrances face the opposite side of the loop.shops_built.jpg (13432 bytes)
Next step: Lower the wall back down to ground level:

wall_removed.jpg (14225 bytes)

Now, rebuild the loops. Notice that the support structure for the shops disappears, so they seem to "float" inside the loops:

loops_restored.jpg (14313 bytes)loops_restored_2.jpg (14216 bytes)

Next, build a footpath to connect to the shop entrances:

paths_1.jpg (39922 bytes)

paths_2.jpg (39202 bytes)

paths_3.jpg (38593 bytes)

If you want, there's still enough room inside the loop to build the track of a third coaster over the footpath:

third_track.jpg (47169 bytes)

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